Southdale Bible Chapel | Song View | Let It Be Said of Us(OS038)(CS115).pro

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Let It Be Said of Us(OS038)(CS115).pro
Orig Key: Ctag:CommunionOS | New Key:

Title: Let It Be Said of Us(OS038)(CS115)

Subtitle: Key=C

Verse 1

       C          Am          F            C   G
Let it be said of us that the Lord was our  passion
          Em          Am         F             G  F
That with gladness we bore every cross we were giv
        C               Am             F
That we fought the good fight, that we finished the course
            C  Dm  C   Dm                 G
Knowing within  us the power of the risen Lord



                 G   F   C          G           G   C
Let the cross be our glo-ry and the Lord be our song
     E        A Am       F             G
By mercy made holy, by the Spirit made strong
                 G   F   C       G              G   C
Let the cross be our glo-ry and the Lord be our song
            F        C Dm  C  Dm      E       Am
Till the likeness of Jesus be through us made known
        F            C  Dm C        F   C  G   C
Let the cross be our glory and the Lord be our song

Verse 2

       C          Am         F            C   G
Let it be said of us We were marked by forgiveness
        Em           Am         F              G   F
We were known by our love and delighted in meekness
        C            Am             F
We were ruled by His peace, heeding unity's call
              C  Dm C   Dm                      G
Joined in one body that Christ would be seen by all



                 G   F   C          G           G   C
Let the cross be our glo-ry and the Lord be our song
     E        A Am       F             G
By mercy made holy, by the Spirit made strong
                 G   F   C       G              G   C
Let the cross be our glo-ry and the Lord be our song
            F        C Dm  C  Dm      E       Am
Till the likeness of Jesus be through us made known
        F            C  Dm C        F   C  G   C
Let the cross be our glory and the Lord be our song

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Key: C}{tag:CommunionOS